Tuesday 3 November 2015

An Unforgettable 2 days 1 night in Lata Sempeneh, Batu Kurau, Perak.

Every time joining a field trip, I will have a different feeling towards the nature.
On the 30th of October to 1st of November, I experienced my very first life in village.
The place we are going to explore is a village called Lata Sempeneh, Batu Kurau in Perak.
This trip transform me from a city girl to a village aunt (ajuhmma).
This meant I can adapt myself towards the village condition and overcome the hardships in many situation.

Kampung Sempeneh, Batu Kurau in Perak

ahjumma in Envtech

Envtech Family!!!

Love the waterfall at here~~~

Click in to have a look!
The clear waterfall become "kepala air" after rain!!!

   I love the fresh air and natural waterfall in Lata Sempeneh. Maybe I was too "city", the waterfall in Lata Sempeneh was the biggest waterfall I have ever see. 
I love the fresh air when we are hiking inside the forest, the nature smell of the trees and leaves are 1000 times better than the polluted air (haze) in the city. 
In this trip, I walked for the longest journey within my 22 years of life. I have been hiking for around 5 hours from 9am++ to 2pm++. I really never walk for such a long distance and this hiking dehydrated me. I drink many water but all the water evaporated through sweating. It was a great experience for me because I felt energetic after exercise!!  
Besides that, I felt amazing even I fall down during climbing because of the slippery soil. My body have never contact so near to the soil. The feeling was so great because the soil was so cold and soft!! HAHAHA!!!

Besides that, I also being bite by leech for my very first time. I am so scare of the leech until I complain why there are such a living thing in this world?!! 
But after I being attacked twice, I have nothing to feel among the leech anymore. I found that actually it is not very terrible as what I think. LOL....

Being bite by Leech~~~

On the other hand, going into the bat cave was my most unforgettable experience in my life. The smell of the bat cave make me vomit!
 There are hundred of bat hang upon the cave make me not comfortable because I having trypophobia. Besides that, Some of the bat will hit your head when they fly. 
I almost cry out when I am inside the cave. I really hope I can get back to home as soon as possible. But after i get out from the cave, I think it is quite funny because these kind of things I will never experience after that. All these things I will never get it from the books.

The bats hanging upon the cave

   Last but not least, this trip also enhance the relationship between me and my friends. This is because we have no chance to get ourselves into the world of the internet.
 In this area, no data and wifi are provided. The activities we do to pass the time were play some games and chat with friends.
 These activity encourage us to be more understand among each other. Even the internet bring us convenience, but it also pull away the relationship between people.
 Through this trip, I found that without internet, we can interact more and understand more about each other.
 I very appreciate the moments when we play together and put aside our mobile phone. 
Hope there are another field trip again......
The lovely moments with my friends. <3


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